Happy Friday! Quick little late night post to share a few exciting things. I've hit a few milestones:
1. The little baby blog has reached 10,000+ views overall.
2. Earlier in the week I reached my all time high in daily views: 200+. I mean, what? How?
Watch out! :)
3. I am officially now one final away from being done with my first semester of grad school. Prayers are much appreciated. Praying the grades turn out high. It's been non-stop working hard and I'm pretty sure Starbucks now knows my drink by heart.
As you can see, I wasn't too fond of the idea of spending Black Friday at Starbucks. I was having shopping withdrawals.
I do, however, get to escape for a little bit this weekend to Houston with J and a few of his friends for the Kanye West concert. I drag J to so many Texas country concerts so J is very excited that for once we're going to one of his choice of concert with his friends. I promise to take lots and lots of photos of our trip.
On a more random side note, Fall television shows. First of all, The Walking Dead mid-season finale. HOLY MOLY! I screamed. I cried. I cringed. I am speechless. I'm pretty sure I'm still in shock. Second, the X Factor. I have so many favorites but two contestants I am just obsessed with and for the first time actually going on iTunes to buy their songs are Alex & Sierra (amazing! love love love them! Seriously buying all their songs!) and Restless Road (I love me some country!).
Hope everybody is staying nice and warm! Texas got a cold front last night and whoa, was I not prepared for that. Layering up and sipping on some hot chocolate. :)
Labels: Lifestyle