Happy holidays! Christmas snuck up on me way too fast. I always say I will do my Christmas shopping early, like before Thanksgiving, but these past three months have been a whirlwind. Unfortunately I had to be that last minute Christmas shopper. I just about nearly gave up with Christmas shopping because the mall was crazy packed but the day is finally here - Christmas time! I'm off to Mexico to spend the holidays with the family. Meanwhile, here's a recap of life lately.
one | a teddy bear from J to cheer me up from the unplanned eye cyst surgery. he knew i was feeling down, so he bought me this teddy bear and some chocolate ice cream. the best pick-me-upper!
two | pinterest is always my lifesaver when we have potlucks at work. I wanted to bring something festive to the table. It's an easy fruit kabob that resembles The Grinch.
three | it's a giant jenga set at a bar. I have seen friends post photos but had no idea where this huge jenga game was at. Finally, this past week a few of us went to a new place and discovered this huge jenga. It was tough to play but fun.
four | my sorority pledge sister/best friend/partner in crime/everything is in town for Christmas break. There will be plenty of outings and catch up happy hours with this girl in the new two weeks.
five | and J was complaining we never take photos. (It's true. Winston now takes over both our camera rolls. It went from couple selfies to Winston photos.) It's always nice to get out and enjoy a night out with this handsome man. :)
six | and back to Winston taking over our iPhone camera roll. J and I were out doing some last minute Christmas shopping and ran into this little San Antonio Spurs jersey for dogs. We just had to buy it with basketball season back in the picture. We've officially become those dog owners. Don't judge.
seven | if you follow me on Twitter you know I have recently had this urge to try juicing and go on a juicing detox. My sister is big on juicing. She has a juicer and a list of different recipes. We've decided to kick off the new year by going on a 3-day juicing detox and take note of our experience. Stay tuned for that.
eight | because I need to have more than one photo of my little baby Winston. I'm pretty sure he's not a fan of the Christmas tree in J's apartment. He stared at it. He barked at it. He avoided it. He went around it. He did, however, like to just stare at me when wrapping presents. He loves to watch presents get wrapped.
nine | an outfit of the day photo. Shameless mirror selfie a graduation party we went to two weekends ago.
Hope everybody enjoys time spent with family and friends during the holidays. Safe travels!Labels: Lifestyle