What’s in my handbag?

I caved. I am doing a "What's in my handbag?" post. It was an opportunity to clean out my handbag from old receipts, candy wrappers and empty gum packets. So, take a look inside my bag. The best way to get to know a girl is by what’s inside her bag. You will quickly notice that I am a small girl who likes big handbags. Because I am a busy bee and often find myself running around town 24/7, I like to carry a lot of things in my handbag. Do you need a pen? Maybe some hand sanitizer? How about some bobby pins? I have it all! I’m pretty much this generation’s Mary Poppins, just saying. So, what's in my handbag?

Kate Spade Wallet
Jessica Simpson Small Wallet
Kellie & Katie Coin Purse
Victoria Secret Make-up Bag
Target Yellow Journal
“It’s Never Too Late” Book
Victoria Secret Lotion
Bath & Body Works Hand Sanitizer
Random shot glass from Disneyland
Black pen
iPad mini / Kate Spade case
iPhone 4S
J.Crew iPhone Portable Charger
iPhone Charger

I’m not kidding when I say my phone’s battery life dies quickly. I need to carry multiple charging options in order for this social media addict to survive the day.

What do you carry in your handbag?
What are your “must have” handbag items?
